While those of older generations might not have grown up with the type of technology that current teenagers were raised on, it’s equally important that those in their twilight years know how to use technology in order to make their lives easier and more enjoyable. However, since they often don’t have a firm foundation when it comes to knowledge of technology, learning how to use something new or do something new can be a challenge.

To help your elderly loved one overcome these hurdles, here are three ways you can make tech easier for older generations. 

Give Them Options For What To Use

Now, just because your elderly loved ones might not have a lot of experience using technology doesn’t mean that they won’t have preferences for what they use. So if you are going to be helping someone learn something new, try to give them a few options and see which one they like the most or will work best for them.

Keep in mind, simpler isn’t always better when it comes to technology for older generations. Sometimes, people want something that has a lot of features, that has interesting design, and that isn’t particularly clunky for them to use. So by showing them what options are out there and letting them pick what they like best, they may have an easier time learning and understanding what you’re trying to teach. 

Show Them Simple Processes For What They Want To Do

If you live with your elderly loved one, you will likely be there for them when they have questions. But if your loved one lives away from you, in their own home or an assisted living facility, you’ll want to give them the tools they need to remember certain processes for themselves. 

To do this, ask your loved one what it is they want to accomplish with their chosen technology. They might want to check emails, read the news, keep up with friends and family, or watch TV or movies. Once you know what they want, go over the process of getting access to each thing they’ll need. To help even further, write down the steps so that they can refer back to them if needed. 

Be There For Them When They Need Help

Even after you’ve helped your loved one set everything up and have shown them how to use their device, there will still be times when they have questions or need additional help. 

Knowing this, it’s wise to let your loved one know that they can call you or reach out whenever they need help. Try your best to be patient and enjoy the time you have to help your loved one gain some functionality over their life that they didn’t have before. 

If you have an older loved one that’s been struggling with technology, consider using the tips mentioned above to help them make technology easier to master. 

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